The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for June 2020.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for June 2020.
EFAMA published today the second edition of the brochure 'The European Fund Classification EFC Categories' to adapt the classification criteria to recent market evolutions. The European Fund Classification (EFC) is a pan-European classification system of investment funds, which is maintained by a Task Force of EFAMA.
Report highlights developments in the European fund industry in 2019 and shines a spotlight on the growing market for cross border funds.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), has published its 2020 industry Fact Book. The 2020 Fact Book provides an in-depth analysis of trends in the European fund industry as well as international level, focusing on the U.S., other advanced economies and emerging markets.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), has today published its latest International Statistical Release describing the trends in worldwide investment fund industry in the first quarter of 2020*.
Worldwide regulated open-ended fund assets decreased by 10.8 percent to EUR 47.1 trillion in the first quarter of 2020. Worldwide net cash flow to all funds amounted to EUR 617 billion, compared to EUR 808 billion in the fourth quarter of 2019.
In a report released today, the International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA), the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), and the Managed Funds Association (MFA) call for the implementation of internationally recognized principles to address excessively high market data fees and unfair licensing provisions.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its Quarterly Statistical Release describing the trends in the European investment fund industry in the first quarter of 2020 with key data and indicators for each EFAMA member countries.
Funds face unique challenges in performing intermediary oversight, and especially so because of MiFID II requirements, changing regulatory landscapes, and the absence of an industry agreed-upon standard between funds and their distribution channels. To help address these challenges, a dedicated working group developed a uniform due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) that will serve as the standard for investment funds (UCITS and AIFs) in performing onboarding and ongoing oversight of distribution channels.
EFAMA has submitted its response to the European Commission's consultations on the review of the MIFID II / MIFIR regulatory framework, where it has outlined its recommendations on investor protection and capital markets and infrastructure.
EFAMA's Director General Tanguy van de Werve commented:
In our response to ESMA on its review of the guidelines on stress-testing parameters for Money Market Funds (MMFs), EFAMA cautions against using overly simplistic assumptions.
In a letter to policymakers, 18 European buy-side firms state that only an Equities/ETFs tape that delivers data in real-time and that includes pre-trade data in the form of 5 layers of best bid and offer, will meet with the necessary market demand to make the Equities/ETFs Consolidated Tape commercially viable. A reasonably priced tape is also a precondition for success, they argue.
EFAMA comments the European Commission's ViDA Proposal and welcomes the consistency of the proposal and the fact that VAT-exempt services will not be covered by the new DDR. With this solution, the proposal should allow tax authorities to focus on the real risk of tax fraud cases and should not create new burdensome procedures/compliance obligations that would represent new costs that in the end would be imposed on clients/consumers (e.g. end investors) for no reason.
EFAMA appreciates the opportunity to comment on the EMIR 3.0 proposal reforming the clearing framework in the EU. We share the objectives of this review which seek to ensure financial stability in the EU, and the well-functioning of the existing central clearing framework. We understand the objective to reduce excessive exposure to substantially systemic CCPs over time, though we maintain that any regulatory measures should be proportionate to the regulatory rationale, and should not unduly harm market participants.
EFAMA commented on IASB’s ED on IAS 12 (Pillar Two Model Rules). As the model rules drafted by the OECD establish that investment funds and investment entities should be carved out / excluded from Pillar Two, at first glance we expect them would not have a significant impact on our industry (at least on the strict product/funds side). While it is still to be confirmed what will be required from asset management firms and investors investing in funds to comply with the new rules, it is clear the analysis is highly complex.
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