In its recently published market report on the costs and performance of EU retail investment products, ESMA asserts that there are “substantial differences in the fund cost level between the EU and the US”. In its accompanying press release, ESMA emphasizes that “the market inefficiencies revealed by this higher cost level show the need to focus on the competitiveness of EU markets, within a future Savings and Investments Union.”
Asset Management in Europe
EFAMA's 16th edition of its ‘Asset Management in Europe’ report provides an in-depth analysis of recent trends in the European asset management industry. It highlights the growth of retail and passive investing, and how asset managers finance the European economy. In addition to data on assets under management in investment funds and discretionary mandates, industry clients, asset allocation and industry organisation, this report addresses key industry questions, including:
- What are the winning retail strategies for fund managers?
- What opportunities does increasing life expectancy present for asset managers?
- How strong is the demand from European insurers for private assets strategies?
- What approaches do asset managers take when investing in private markets?