In the 9th issue of our “3 Questions 2” (3Q2) series, we spoke with Stuart Corrigall, Chair of the EFAMA Fund Regulation Standing Committee and Managing Director at BlackRock, on ELTIF 2.0.
He answers the following questions:
1: What is an ELTIF, and why did the current ELTIF regime need to be revised?
2: What are the major changes the review process introduced?
3: In light of those changes, is ELTIF 2.0 going to be successful?
EFAMA has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data on UCITS and AIFs for November 2022, at European level and by country of fund domiciliation.
The ongoing review of MiFIDII/MiFIR is an important moment for the future success of the Capital Markets Union project. The European Council adopted their position at the end of last year and the European Parliament is currently debating these future rules, with the expectation of a draft report by the end of the month.
The MiFID/MiFIR review will be key to the future success and competitiveness of the EU's capital markets.
With international competition for investment heating up markedly, European legislators need to ensure that EU regulation is helping, and not hindering, capital market growth and participation.
Various European trade associations representing EU capital markets, including EFAMA, BVI, EFSA and NSA, have published a letter outlining their main priorities for the review. This includes the following core elements:
In an environment with unclear definitions at EU level on key sustainable finance concepts, as well as a lack of complete, comparable and transparent ESG data, all market actors are concerned about the risk of greenwashing.
In an environment with unclear definitions at EU level on key sustainable finance concepts, as well as a lack of complete, comparable and transparent ESG data, all market actors are concerned about the risk of greenwashing.
EFAMA has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data on UCITS and AIFs for October 2022, at European level and by country of fund domiciliation.
ESMA’s Call for Evidence on the UCITS Eligible Assets Directive is a welcome opportunity to take stock of the existing UCITS framework.
EFAMA agrees with the FSB that market participants should integrate the management of margin and collateral calls into their risk management, governance, and operational processes.
The competitiveness of EU asset managers is heavily reliant on the quality, stability, cost-efficiency and predictability of the rules under which they operate.
As part of our recommendations to make competitiveness a central element of all EU policies, we highlight the importance of tackling anti-competitive market practices and the ever-increasing cost of various types of data.
The FCA’s recent report on the wholesale data market is an important and high-quality study which echoes many long-standing buy-side concerns. It finds evidence of unequal market power in terms of market concentration, highly profitable margins, opaque pricing practices, excessive charging, bundling practices and complex licensing agreements, all of which negatively impact data users. Much of this data is indispensable for users to stay in business and fulfil regulatory obligations.
EFAMA’s publication lays out the asset management sector’s policy priorities for the next five years, building on the in-depth expertise of our members. This includes practical recommendations for keeping Europe competitive and developing deeper, more integrated and liquid capital markets in Europe.
The recommendations focus around four main objectives:
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Trends in European investment funds (EFAMA Fact Book 2024 release on 18 JUN 2024)