Management Companies
EFAMA has been looking at legislative proposals with a direct impact on asset management companies and services, and closely follows any regulatory developments of critical importance to the sector. In addition to issues related to risk management and financial stability, high up on the agenda of EFAMA members is the framework for a prudential regime for Investment Firms (IFD/R), and related implementing measures directly descending from such framework.
EFAMA is focused on minimising the impact of the rules on asset management companies, in particular those holding a limited MiFID license. Key to the sector is the need for proportionality, especially firms that are not authorised to hold client money/securities, or to deal on their own account.
EFAMA Response to IOSCO Consultation report on Leverage
EFAMA's reply to EIOPA's CP on Technical advice on integration of Sustainability risks & factors in Delegated Acts under Solvency II & IDD
EFAMA Response to the EBA Consultation on draft Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements
AMIC and EFAMA update their report on Managing Fund Liquidity Risk in Europe
EFAMA reacts to IOSCO statement on liquidity risk management for investment funds
EFAMA welcomes the recent statement by Ashley Alder, IOSCO Board Chair, on liquidity risk management for investment funds.
Liquidity and counterparty risks in ETFs
EFAMA recently finalised a Comment Paper in response to the ECBs November 2018 findings around liquidity and counterparty risks in ETFs, included in the ECBs semi-annual Financial Stability Review.