Capital markets
Investment managers, acting on behalf of their retail and institutional clients, are among the largest investors in financial markets. They represent a key component of the market’s “buy-side” segment.
In representing the interests of its members on wholesale capital market issues, EFAMA advocates for fair, deep, liquid, and transparent capital markets, supported by properly regulated and supervised market infrastructure.
EFAMA responds to EC draft DA on integration of ESG into MiFID II
EFAMA's reply to ESMA's CP on PTRR services with regards to the clearing obligation
Buy-side use-cases for a real-time consolidated tape
A real-time consolidated tape, provided it is made available at a reasonable cost, will bring many benefits to European capital markets. A complete and consistent view of market-wide prices and trading volumes is necessary for any market, though this is especially true for the EU where trading is fragmented across a large number of trading venues. A real-time consolidated tape should cover equities and bonds, delivering data in ‘as close to real-time as technically possible’ after receipt of the data from the different trade venues.
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Register now for our Investment Management Forum next week! High-calibre panels and keynote speakers promise rich, informative and thought-provoking exchanges between European policymakers, investment managers and regulators on
- the Competitiveness of our industry
- the EU retail investment strategy
- the latest in global standards for sustainability reporting
- challenges and opportunities of alternative investment regulations
- the impact of digitalisation on asset management
- and more...
Statement on the release of the Oliver Wyman study ‘Caught on Tape’
“Oliver Wyman’s study ‘Caught on Tape’ provides a perplexing take on Consolidated Tape for Europe. Sure enough, it starts with accurate observations: the high number of trading venues in Europe, the resultant fragmented liquidity, unseen liquidity due to the lack of a consolidated tape, and the fact that leading markets like the US and Canada today benefit from a real time consolidated tape.
3 Questions to Jean-Louis Schirmann on the use of EURIBOR
Q #1 How was Euribor impacted by the adoption of the Benchmark Regulation (BMR) and what are the relevant features of the reformed Euribor for investment managers?
3 Questions to Christophe Binet on LIBOR Transition
Q #1 When will LIBOR phase out and which rates will be replacing it?
The London Interbank Offered Rate, also known as LIBOR®, is a widely-used index for short-term interest rates that is commonly found in
Global Memo: Benchmark Data Costs
A key purpose of the financial system is to allocate capital and risk in a manner that supports sustainable economic development and growth, including through the provision of financing, investment and hedging products. Financial benchmarks/indices are fundamental to the functioning of financial markets and are widely used in both retail and wholesale markets. In particular, benchmarks are a valuable tool helping market participants to set prices, measure performances, or work out amounts payable under financial contracts or instruments.