EFAMA is pleased to read today the details of a robust MiFIR proposal from the European Commission addressing key areas of reform around the creation of a consolidated tape (CT), along with adjustments to transparency requirements on trading.
Investment managers, acting on behalf of their retail and institutional clients, are among the largest investors in financial markets. They represent a key component of the market’s “buy-side” segment.
In representing the interests of its members on wholesale capital market issues, EFAMA advocates for fair, deep, liquid, and transparent capital markets, supported by properly regulated and supervised market infrastructure.
EFAMA is pleased to read today the details of a robust MiFIR proposal from the European Commission addressing key areas of reform around the creation of a consolidated tape (CT), along with adjustments to transparency requirements on trading.
EFAMA welcomes this opportunity to comment on the review of the provisions within the Short Selling Regulation. We have limited our responses to those questions of most relevance to our membership.
Nine associations (AFME, AIMA, EAPB, EBF, EFAMA, FIA, ICI, ISDA, SIFMA AMG) welcome the Commission's decision to grant a time-limited equivalence decision in respect of UK CCPs. However, when this time-limited equivalence decision expires on 30 June 2022, there remains a significant risk of disruption to clearing for EU firms and to their access to global markets.
CMVM 2020 Conference – 8 October 2020
EFAMA has submitted its response to the European Commission's consultations on the review of the MIFID II / MIFIR regulatory framework, where it has outlined its recommendations on investor protection and capital markets and infrastructure.
EFAMA's Director General Tanguy van de Werve commented:
The EFAMA Asset Management in Europe report aims at providing facts and figures to gain a better understanding of the role of the European asset management industry. It takes a different approach from that of the other EFAMA research reports, on two grounds. Firstly, this report does not focus exclusively on investment funds, but it also analyses the assets that are managed by asset managers under the form of discretionary mandates. Secondly, the report focuses on the countries where the investment fund assets are managed rather than on the countries in which the funds are domiciled.