Our members
EFAMA is a pan-European organisation representing the full diversity of the European investment management industry towards European policymakers, as well as international public bodies. Our membership consists of national associations (Ordinary and Extraordinary Members), which bring their country-specific expertise and viewpoints to our committees, as well as Corporate and Associate Members, which add multinational company and practitioner perspectives to our work.

National Associations
Vereinigung Österreichischer Investmentgesellschaften
Austrian Association of Investment Fund Management Companies
Address: Leopold-Moses-Gasse 4/1/3/Top 1B, 1020 WIEN
Tel: +43-1-718.83.33
Fax: +43-1-718.83.338
President: Mag. Heinz BEDNAR
Secretary General: Mag. Dietmar RUPAR
Association Belge des Asset Managers
Belgische Vereniging van Asset Managers
Belgian Asset Managers Association
Address: c/o Febelfin, Koning Albert II-laan 19, 1210 BRUSSEL
Tel: +32-2-507.68.72
President: Koen VAN de MAELE
Vice-President: Gregory SWOLFS
Director General: Marc VAN de GUCHT
Bulgarian association of asset management companies
Address: 1301 Sofia, 36 Alabin Str., 3rd floor
Tel: +359 895 799 585, +359 877 502 018
Fax: +359 2 930 10 31
Chairwoman of the Management Board: Dr. Natalia PETROVA
Secretary General: Evgeny JICHEV
Udruženje društava za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima
Association of Investment Fund Management Companies
Address: Croatian Chamber of Economy, Banking and Finance Department, Roosveltov trg 2, 10000 ZAGREB
Tel: +385 1 4561 564
Fax: +385 1 4561 535
Vice-Chairman: Marko MAKEK
Secretary: Vanja DOMINOVIC
Cyprus Investment Funds Association
Address: Severis Building, 9 Makarios III Ave.
4th Floor, NICOSIA, 1065, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 441133
Fax: +357 22 441134
President of the Board: Angelos GREGORIADES
Asociace pro kapitálový trh České republiky
Czech Capital Market Association
Address: Štepánská , 16/612, CZ - 110 00 PRAHA 1
Tel: +420-2-
Fax: +420-2-
Chairman: Jaromír SLADKOVSKÝ
Executive Director: Jana BRODANI (MICHALÍKOVÁ)
Danish Investment Association (DIA)
Address: Finans Danmark, Amaliegade 7, DK - 1256 COPENHAGEN K
Tel: +45-33-70 10 00
acting Chief Executive: Kåre VALGREEN
Finance Finland (FFI)
Visitors address: Itämerenkatu 11–13 , FI-00180 HELSINKI
Tel: +358-20-7934200
President: Henrika VIKMAN
International Representative: Jari VIRTA
Association Française de la Gestion Financière
French Asset Management Association
Address: 41, rue de la Bienfaisance, F - 75008 PARIS
Tel: +33-1-
Chairman: Philippe SETBON
Chief Executive: Laure DELAHOUSSE
Brussels office: Louis-Marie DURAND
Address: Avenue des Arts, 44, B-1000 BRUXELLES
Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
German Investment funds Association
BVI Frankfurt
Address: Bockenheimer Anlage 15, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
T. +49 69 15 40 90 0
BVI Berlin
Address: Unter den Linden 42, 10117 Berlin
T. + 49 30 206587 71
BVI Brussels
Address: Rue Belliard 15-17, 1040 Bruxelles
T. +32 2 213 82 41
President: Dirk DEGENHARDT
Chief Executive Officer: Thomas RICHTER
Managing Director: Rudolf SIEBEL
Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association
Address: 9 Valaoritou Street, GR-ATHENS 10671
Tel: +30-210-3600265
Chairman: Chris AESOPOS
General Manager: Marina VASSILICOS
Befektetési Alapkezelok és Vagyonkezelok Magyarországi Szövetsége
Association of Hungarian Investment Fund and Asset Management Companies
Mail address: H - 1363 BUDAPEST, PF. 110
Visitors address: H-1053 BUDAPEST, Magyar u. 20. II/3
Tel: +36-1-354.17.36
Fax: +36-1-354.17.37
President: Sandor VIZKELETI
Secretary General: András TEMMEL
Irish Funds
Chief Executive Office: Ashford House, 18-22 Tara Street, DUBLIN 2 D02VX67
Tel: +353-1-670.10.77
Fax: +353-1-670.10.92
Chairperson: Maria GING
Chief Executive: Pat LARDNER
Associazione Italiana del Risparmio Gestito
Italian Association of Investment Management
Rome office: Via in Lucina, 17 I - 00186 ROMA
Tel: +39-06-68.40.591
Fax: +39-06-68.93.262
Milan Office: Via Andegari, 18 I - 20121 MILANO
Tel: +39-02-36.16.511
Fax: +39-02-36.16.5163
President: Carlo TRABATTONI
Director General: Fabio GALLI
Liechtensteinischer Anlagefondsverband
Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association
Address: Meierhofstrasse 2, FL-9490 VADUZ
Tel: +423-230 07 70
Fax: +423-230 07 69
President: Alexander BOSS
Director General: David GAMPER
Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry
Association Luxembourgeoise des Fonds d'Investissement
Mail address: BP 206, L - 2012 LUXEMBOURG
Visitors address: 12, rue Erasme, L-1468 LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 22 30 26 1
Chairman: Jean-Marc GOY
Director General: Serge WEYLAND
Malta Asset Servicing Association
Address: c/o Premium Banking Centre, 475, Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp, Santa Venera, SVR 1011
Chairperson: Anabel MIFSUD
Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association
Address: Paulus Potterstraat 32 H (2nd floor) 1071 DB Amsterdam
Tel: +31-20-240.22.15
Chair: Ronald WUIJSTER
Vice Chair: Erik van HOUWELINGEN
Director General: Jeroen van WIJNGAARDEN
Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association (NFAMA)
Address: Hansteensgate 2, N-0253 OSLO
Tel: +47-
Fax: +47-
Chairman: Bjorn SLATTO
Chief Executive Officer: Bernt S. ZAKARIASSEN
Chamber of Fund and Asset Managers
Address: Książęca str. 4, 00-498 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 537 76 30
President: Małgorzata RUSEWICZ
Associacão Portuguesa de Fundos de Investimento, Pensões e Patrimónios
Portuguese Association of Investment Funds, Pension Funds and Asset Management
Address: Rua Castilho, N° 44 - 2°, PT - 1250-071 LISBOA
Tel: +351-21-799.48.40
Fax: +351-21-799.48.42/43
President: João PRATAS
Secretary General: Marta MALDONADO PASSANHA
Romanian Association of Asset Managers
Address: 12 Nerva Traian Street, M37 Building, Ground Floor, RO 031042 Bucharest
Tel: +40-21-312.97.43
Fax: +40-21-313.97.44
Chairman: Horia GUSTA
Vice-Chairman: Christian PASCU
Managing Director: Jan PRICOP
Slovenská asociácia správcovských spolocností
Slovak Association of Fund Management Companies
Address: Drienova 3, SK-821 01 BRATISLAVA
Tel: +420-2-
Fax: +420-2-
Chairman: Marek PROKOPEC
Executive Director: Roman VLCEK
Slovenian Investment Fund Association
Address: Cufarjeva 5, SI-1000 LJUBLJANA
Tel: +386-1-430.49.18
Fax: +386-1-430.49.19
Chairman: Benjamin JOŠAR
Managing Director: Mirjana KOPORČIĆ VELJIĆ
Asociación de Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva y Fondos de Pensiones
Spanish Association of Investment and Pension Funds
Address: Prìncipe de Vergara, 43, 2a pl. E - 28001 MADRID
Tel: +34-91-431.47.35
Fax: +34-91-578.14.69
President: Ángel MARTÍNEZ-ALDAMA
Director General: Elisa RICÓN
Swedish Investment Fund Association
Address: David Bagares Gata 3, S-111 38, STOCKHOLM
Tel: +46-8-506.988.00
Fax: +46-8-662.53.39
Chairperson: Liza JONSON
Chief Executive Officer: Fredrik NORDSTRÖM
Asset Management Association Switzerland
Address: Dufourstrasse, 49 Postfach CH - 4002 BASEL
Tel: +41-61-278.98.00
Fax: +41-61-278.98.08
President: Iwan DEPLAZES
Türkiye Kurumsal Yatirimci Yöneticileri DerneÄŸi
Turkish Institutional Investment Managers' Association
Address: Is Kuleleri Kule 2, Kat:8, 4.Levent, TR-ISTANBUL 34330
Tel: +90-212-279.03.99
Fax: +90-212-325.16.45
President: Yağız ORAL
General Coordinator: Cüneyt DEMIRKAYA, Ph.D.
The Investment Association
Address: Camomile Court, 23 Camomile Street, GB - LONDON EC3A 7LL
Tel: +44-20-783.10.898
Chairman: Patrick THOMSON
Chief Executive: Chris CUMMINGS