Infographics We regularly prepare visuals and infographics to support our policy positions and explain complex financial services-related concepts in a simple way. New proposals expected from the European Commission in 2025 The new European Commission is under pressure to act quickly and decisively and are moving full steam ahead with their policy priorities in 2025. We can expect numerous new regulatory proposals in… The European Long-Term Investment Fund (ELTIF) The European long-term investment fund (ELTIF) is a regulated pan-European label for alternative investment funds (AIFs). ELTIFs may invest in a variety of assets and may be marketed to retail and… The CSRD Timeline Mandatory European sustainability reporting standards are crucial as insufficient availability of ESG data is a key impediment to realising the full potential of the EU’s sustainable finance… The delegation process The AIFMD is one of the pillars of EU regulation for investment funds, which will be crucial to the development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) and the post Covid-19 economic recovery in the… Why do we need a real-time Consolidated Tape in the EU? The current lack of quality pre- and post-trade data and the fragmentation of data sources remain an obstacle to the completion of the Capital Markets Union. The benefits of a real-time Consolidated… The challenges of replacing UCITS KIIDs with PRIIP KIDs In support of our call for additional time to implement the PRIIPs rules, we have produced an infographic that summarises the challenges our members face replacing UCITS KIIDS with PRIIP KIDs. The… Investing for a better future - 5 tips to do more with your savings Investor education initiatives are essential to improve financial literacy and empower citizens to make sound decisions when managing their savings. If citizens do not have the basic knowledge to… The investment fund value chain The Investment Fund Value Chain graphic, gives an overview of the services offered by the various providers along the investment fund value chain. These services include product development services… The role of asset managers The core mission of an asset manager is to invest European citizens’ capital and savings into productive economic activity, allowing companies to grow by providing access to new sources of funding for… The funds universe Have you ever wondered what the fund universe looks like and what it entails? This overview breaks down the funds types and shows what asset classes exist. It also explains what AIFs and UCITS are and… The European ETP market Exchange-traded products (ETPs) is the umbrella term used to refer to investment products that are traded on an exchange, unlike traditional mutual funds. ETPs will often track an underlying asset… Contact Hayley McEwen Communications & Membership Development