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​​EFAMA, the voice of the European investment management industry, represents 28 member associations, 60 corporate members and 23 associate members. At end Q2 2020, total net assets of European investment funds reached EUR 17.1 trillion.  These assets were managed by almost 34,200 UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) and 29,100 AIFs (Alternative Investment Funds).  More information available elsewhere on this site.​


Asset Management: What is it and Why is it useful? Read here for more!

How EFAMA first started

Our organisation was founded in 1974 under the name "European Federation of Investment Funds and Companies" ("FEFSI" was its French acronym). Its founding members were Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom. For many years it did not have a permanent home, its secretariat operating on a country-rotating basis. 1990 saw the establishment of a permanent secretariat in Brussels.

As the industry representative of the fastest developing segment in the field of financial services, FEFSI in 2004 changed the articles of its Constitution to represent the investment fund industry and asset management, and to welcome direct corporate membership in addition to its national member associations. It renamed itself as the European Fund and Asset Management Association to reflect these changes.

EFAMA's structure

The General Meeting is the senior body of the Association. One of its tasks is to approve the strategy and priorities recommended by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is the executive body of the Association. It determines its own agenda. It has a key role to play in setting the priorities and actions of the Association. It is assisted in this by the Management Committee which acts as a facilitator between the Board and the Working committees and other ad-hoc working parties. Working committees & parties are set up on decision by the Board and are mandated to monitor, study and draw up points for action on given issues or themes of interest to the industry.

The Secretariat is the administrative unit of the association, responsible for the daily running of the Association and acting as coordinator and facilitator for its members in the industry's representation to the various bodies of the European Union.

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