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Slides: Investor Education Initiatives – How to Ensure Effective Delivery by the Public Sector and the Financial Industry?

Investor Education
30 November 2020 | Announcement
Investor Education
investor education initiatives

These are the slides from our e-seminar on investor education initiatives from 30 November 2020. 

Speakers included:

  • Bernard Delbecque (EFAMA) highlighted why financial literacy is important for EFAMA and focus on the asset management industry
  • Annamaria Lusardi (GFLEC) highlighted the importance of financial literacy and provide new evidence and recommendations
  • Chiara Monticone (OECD) provided some background information on the OECD Recommendation on Financial Literacy and explain what kind of financial literacy activities firms from the private financial sector could take to support decision-making about saving, investment, retirement and pensions
  • Marcel Haag (DG FISMA) presented the actions foreseen by the European Commission in the area of financial education to strengthen the CMU
  • Nadia Linciano (CONSEB) made a presentation on financial education efforts in Italy related to saving and investment decisions and highlight key needs and delivery channels
  • Cristina Catania and Martin Huber (McKinsey) presented the key elements of a programme that could be developed and consistently delivered by asset managers and distributors to enhance the level and the spread of investment education, highlighting the benefit in terms of ESG investing
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