EFAMA responded to a public consultation of the Platform on Sustainable Finance on taxonomy extension options linked to environmental objectives.
The Taxonomy is a critical tool that will assist issuers, project promoters, investors and other financial market participants in identifying sustainable, enabling and transitional economic activities. The regulation requires asset managers to disclose the proportions of their Taxonomy-compliant “green asset ratios” in funds with sustainability objectives and characteristics.
Asset managers will rely upon investee companies’ reporting against the technical screening criteria introduced by the Taxonomy. Given that these criteria will be fundamental in guiding the investment decisions of asset managers and, increasingly so, of public authorities, they should allow for a sufficiently broad investible universe, including transitional activities. EFAMA has also contributed to the development of industry-relevant Taxonomy Key Performance Indicators for financial and non-financial undertakings.
EFAMA responded to a public consultation of the Platform on Sustainable Finance on taxonomy extension options linked to environmental objectives.
EFAMA responds to the opportunity to provide feedback to the Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (‘taxonomy’) draft delegated act, which the European Commission published for consultation on 7 May. We highlight that the provisions on investee companies in this delegated act will serve as the primary source of input for asset managers´ own disclosures on taxonomy compliance at both product and entity levels.
The European Find and Asset Management Association appreciates the opportunity to submit its views to the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) on the Joint Consultation Paper (CP) regarding draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) for taxonomy-related sustainability disclosures pursuant to Article 8(4), 9(6) and 11(5) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Taxonomy Regulation or TR).
As the voice of the European asset management industry, EFAMA strongly welcomes the development of the EU Taxonomy and its proposed technical screening criteria in the Delegated Acts. EFAMA sees the Taxonomy as a critical tool to unleash the potential of sustainable finance in Europe by assisting issuers, project promoters, companies, investors, and other financial market participants in identifying truly sustainable economic activities. |
EFAMA, the voice of the European investment management industry, joins the French and Dutch financial market authorities call for a European regulation of ESG data, research and ratings.
European asset managers are observing a double-digit growth in the demand for ESG investments, and clients are increasingly sophisticated in their preferences*.
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has published its first ESG-focused Market Insights Sustainable investment in the European asset management industry: defining and sizing ESG strategies.
A well-designed EU Ecolabel has the potential to provide clear guidance on the financial products retail investors can invest in if they wish to support environmentally sustainable projects and activities - in line with the EU Taxonomy Regulation. The European Commission wants to create a trusted and verified label for retail investors, who would benefit from better comparability of financial products.