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With the quantity of regulatory sustainability disclosures increasing rapidly, asset managers need a standardised and simple way to share ESG data throughout the value chain. Enter the European ESG Template (EET), a joint initiative by representatives of the European financial services sector. This template facilitates the exchange of comparable, machine readable ESG data between investment fund manufacturers and distributors to help with relevant ESG requirements in the SFDR, Taxonomy Regulation, and MiFID delegated acts.


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On 13 February from 15:00-16:00 CET, EFAMA and Kneip hosted a live webinar on the various aspects of the EET, including

  • market timing,
  • the new EET version 1.1.(1),
  • fields and use cases,
  • the relation of new EET fields to the SFDR template,
  • best practices and market statistics.


The webinar was open to the public and the media.


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