Capital markets
Investment managers, acting on behalf of their retail and institutional clients, are among the largest investors in financial markets. They represent a key component of the market’s “buy-side” segment.
In representing the interests of its members on wholesale capital market issues, EFAMA advocates for fair, deep, liquid, and transparent capital markets, supported by properly regulated and supervised market infrastructure.
Industry Association Letter on Impact of COVID-19 on Initial Margin Phase-In
Coalition letter on keeping European markets open
3 Questions to Christophe Binet on LIBOR Transition
Q #1 When will LIBOR phase out and which rates will be replacing it?
The London Interbank Offered Rate, also known as LIBOR®, is a widely-used index for short-term interest rates that is commonly found in
Joint statement by EFAMA and EFSA on Consolidated Tape and market data costs
The appropriate construction, and conditions for the usage, of a Consolidated Tape
Key recommendations for fair benchmark data costs - EFAMA/ICSA Global Memo on Benchmark Data Costs
EFAMA (European Fund of Asset Management Associations) and ICSA (International Council of Securities Association) published today a Global Memo on Benchmark Data Costs, identifying the main challenges arising from the increased use of benchmark data over recent decades and the imposition of increasingly complex and ove
Household Participation in Capital Markets
This report analyses the progress made in recent years by European households in allocating more of their financial wealth to capital market instruments (pension plans, life insurance, investment funds, debt securities and listed shares) and less in cash and bank deposits. It also includes policy recommendations on improving retail participation in capital markets, including for the Retail Investment Strategy currently under discussion.
Some key findings include:
Buy-side use-cases for a real-time consolidated tape
A real-time consolidated tape, provided it is made available at a reasonable cost, will bring many benefits to European capital markets. A complete and consistent view of market-wide prices and trading volumes is necessary for any market, though this is especially true for the EU where trading is fragmented across a large number of trading venues. A real-time consolidated tape should cover equities and bonds, delivering data in ‘as close to real-time as technically possible’ after receipt of the data from the different trade venues.
Visual | Why do we need a real-time Consolidated Tape in the EU?
The current lack of quality pre- and post-trade data and the fragmentation of data sources remain an obstacle to the completion of the Capital Markets Union. The benefits of a real-time Consolidated Tape are wide-ranging: from market surveillance for supervisors, to best execution and an improved view on trading opportunities for retail investors, to portfolio management and pre- and post-trade analysis for fund managers to name a few.