Capital markets
Investment managers, acting on behalf of their retail and institutional clients, are among the largest investors in financial markets. They represent a key component of the market’s “buy-side” segment.
In representing the interests of its members on wholesale capital market issues, EFAMA advocates for fair, deep, liquid, and transparent capital markets, supported by properly regulated and supervised market infrastructure.
EFAMA feedback on TEG's interim report on EU climate transition benchmarks (EU CTBs) & EU Paris aligned benchmarks (EU PABs)
EFAMA's reply ESMA’s CP on Guidelines for reporting under Articles 4 & 12 SFTR
EFAMA's reply to BCBS Consultative Document on Revisions to Leverage Ratio Disclosure Requirements
Industry Approach to CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime
The Joint Associations1 welcome clarification from ESMA that national competent authorities are expected not to prioritise supervisory actions in relation to the application of the CSDR buy-in regime.2
Joint Statement on EU Commission proposal for revised Market in Financial Instrument Regulation (MiFIR)
We see great value in the creation of a consolidated tape to support Europe’s capital markets. However, we qualify that statement with a reminder that the framework for a successful consolidated tape should
i) address the known market failure around market data costs,
EFAMA welcomes proposal on affordable consolidated tape - The association continues to urge action on market data costs
EFAMA is pleased to read today the details of a robust MiFIR proposal from the European Commission addressing key areas of reform around the creation of a consolidated tape (CT), along with adjustments to transparency requirements on trading.
3 Questions to Jean-Louis Schirmann on the use of EURIBOR
Q #1 How was Euribor impacted by the adoption of the Benchmark Regulation (BMR) and what are the relevant features of the reformed Euribor for investment managers?
3 Questions to Christophe Binet on LIBOR Transition
Q #1 When will LIBOR phase out and which rates will be replacing it?
The London Interbank Offered Rate, also known as LIBOR®, is a widely-used index for short-term interest rates that is commonly found in
Global Memo: Benchmark Data Costs
A key purpose of the financial system is to allocate capital and risk in a manner that supports sustainable economic development and growth, including through the provision of financing, investment and hedging products. Financial benchmarks/indices are fundamental to the functioning of financial markets and are widely used in both retail and wholesale markets. In particular, benchmarks are a valuable tool helping market participants to set prices, measure performances, or work out amounts payable under financial contracts or instruments.