EFAMA has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data on UCITS and AIFs for October 2022, at European level and by country of fund domiciliation.
EFAMA has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data on UCITS and AIFs for October 2022, at European level and by country of fund domiciliation.
EFAMA commends the efforts of the Czech Presidency and Member States in reaching an agreement on the review of MiFIR/MiFID. EFAMA members welcome the Council position which unequivocally comes down on the side of competitive, globally attractive markets, driven by diversity and innovation and the right tools and infrastructures to support the retail investor.
EFAMA, together with EBF, Insurance Europe, EACB, EAPB, ESBG and EUSIPA, issued a public letter addressed to Vice-President Dombrovskis, Commissioners McGuinness and Director-General Berrigan, remarking the importance of advice for European retail investors and the need to maintain the coexistence of fee-based and commission-based advice.
EFAMA has today published its International Quarterly Statistical Release regarding the developments in the worldwide investment fund industry during the third quarter of 2022.
EFAMA's latest edition of its 'Asset Management in Europe' report provides an in-depth analysis of recent trends, focusing on where investments funds and discretionary mandates are managed in Europe.
The asset management sector is a crucial one for the European economy, with a key role to play in financing the green transition:
EFAMA has today published its European Quarterly Statistical Release for Q3 of 2022.
This Release presents for the first time data on the net sales and net assets of SFDR Article 8 and 9 UCITS.
EFAMA members are paying close attention to the ongoing discussions in the European Parliament and Council to reach a compromise on the MiFID review. Together with a broad majority of market participants, including the sell-side and alternative trading venues, we have consistently made the case for a real-time tape for equities with the inclusion of pre and post-trade data.
EFAMA welcomes the opportunity to provide the views of the asset management industry to this challenging exercise of assessing the impacts of recent regulatory reforms in the area of financial services.
There are a number of general remarks that we would like to make by way of introduction.
Need for consistency and coordination
After having looked extensively at the Level-2 work done by the ESAs, EFAMA1 comes to the unfortunate conclusion that, due to the very technical nature of the underlying methodologies and calculations, there will not be enough time for market participants to fully implement the PRIIP KID by 31 December 2016.
Our corporate members are both subsidiaries of an EEA parent that is a credit institution as per Article 4(1)(1) of the CRR, or stand-alone investment firms as per Article 4(1)(2) of the CRR. Both types of entities risk becoming subject to the Maximum Ratio Rule as asset management companies licensed under either a UCITS or AIFM management company license, or licensed as investment firms under the MiFID regime to provide discretionary portfolio management services on a client-by-client basis.
EFAMA welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on ESMA’s Consultation Paper on draft guidelines for the assessment of knowledge and competence.
EFAMA comments to the Committee on Direct Taxes in relation to the application of Minimum Alternate Tax to FIIs and FPIs for financial years before 1st April 2015
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Trends in European investment funds (EFAMA Fact Book 2024 release on 18 JUN 2024)