The PEPP - Engaging the young generation of European savers
EFAMA's response to EC's Consultation on operations of the European Supervisory Authorities
Supervisory convergence is a core element of the Single Market and integral to removing barriers to cross-border provision of financial services. It is not enough to have a common rule book, but also the reading of those rules by supervisors and supervisory practices should converge to ensure the Single Market is not hampered by diverging interpretations and gold-plating of EU rules.
EFAMA Response to EC Consultation: Capital Markets Union mid-term review 2017
• EFAMA reiterates the European asset management industry’s strong support for the CMU project in all its dimensions. We welcome the range of initiatives, from the overarching aim of rebuilding confidence in financial markets by putting investors’ interests at the heart of the project, to the promotion of market-based financing of the economy, the development of a PEPP or the development of a comprehensive strategy on sustainable finance.
EFAMA Comments on OECD Public Discussion Draft BEPS Action 6 Discussion Draft on Non-CIV examples
EFAMA is grateful for the opportunity to comment on the new OECD Public Discussion Draft on BEPS Action 6 and the treaty entitlement of non-CIV funds Discussion Draft on non-CIV examples. In addition EFAMA would like to make positive use of this opportunity and comment as well on the general situation of CIVs as well as of Non-CIVs against the background of the BEPS Action 6 implementation.