Management Companies
EFAMA has been looking at legislative proposals with a direct impact on asset management companies and services, and closely follows any regulatory developments of critical importance to the sector. In addition to issues related to risk management and financial stability, high up on the agenda of EFAMA members is the framework for a prudential regime for Investment Firms (IFD/R), and related implementing measures directly descending from such framework.
EFAMA is focused on minimising the impact of the rules on asset management companies, in particular those holding a limited MiFID license. Key to the sector is the need for proportionality, especially firms that are not authorised to hold client money/securities, or to deal on their own account.
EBA & ESMA discussion paper on the Commission’s call for advice on the prudential framework for investment firms
FSB consultation on liquidity preparedness for margin calls in non-bank financial intermediation
EFAMA agrees with the FSB that market participants should integrate the management of margin and collateral calls into their risk management, governance, and operational processes.
Tweaking the AIFMD/UCITS Framework
EFAMA welcomes the decision of the European Commission to adopt a targeted approach in its review of the Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD), along with key harmonising provisions within the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferrable Securities Directive (UCITSD). This focus on targeted improvements recognises the role this framework has played in encouraging the growth in the European Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) market over the past decade and its resilience even throughout recent market stresses.
EFAMA Annual Asset Management Report the industry bellwether
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has published today the 12th edition of its Asset Management Report*. The report aims to provide a unique and comprehensive set of facts and figures on the state of the industry at the end of 2018 but also to highlight the fundamental role of asset managers in the financial system and wider economy.
Monthly Statistics September 2020 | Steady inflows into UCITS equity funds in September
The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has today published its latest monthly Investment Fund Industry Fact Sheet, which provides net sales data of UCITS and AIFs for September 2020*.
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director for Economics and Research commented: Net inflows into UCITS equity funds remained steady in September despite concerns about rising Covid-19 infection rates and the potential impact of new lockdown measures.
The main developments in September 2020 can be summarised as follows:
Initial reactions on the new Capital Markets Union action plan - Keynote by Tanguy van de Werve
6th Cyprus International Funds Summit - 16 November 2020
Annual Report 2016
Asset Management Report 2017
Closet Index Funds
EFAMA has reviewed ESMA’s statement “Supervisory work on potential index tracking”, which sets out research to determine whether any indication of closet indexing could be found at EU level. To contribute to the debate on this matter, EFAMA has prepared a paper, which highlights the limits of identifying closet index funds through a statistical analysis, drawing on recently published research papers.